120 N. 31st Street, Colorado Springs

Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.

Education Hour: 10:30 a.m.

Church & Preschool Office: 719-632-9394

I'm new!

We all were once. Joining a new community is often intimidating. Several of our members like to say, "we take our salvation very seriously, but not ourselves!"

At Rock of Ages you'll find a community of Christians gathered around God's Word and Sacraments each Sunday morning at 9:00. At the conclusion of worship we gather for fellowship with coffee, bagels, donuts, and the occasional cake. Then we gather for education hour from 10:30(ish) to 11:30 with Sunday school for the kids and adult Bible class for the big kids.

But I have kids!

As mentioned above, we have Sunday school available for the children following worship. While in worship, we love the sound of little voices. They don't bother the pastors; we have microphones.

We are blessed with lots of little worshipers praising Jesus, and while we do offer a children's message every Sunday during the service, we don’t offer nursery or children’s church—that is, they won’t be taken out during the worship service to do their own thing. It’s very important that kids hear the Word of God and learn what church is from a very early age.

If you have concerns about how your kids will do, please don’t worry! We’ve all been there and done that (many, many of us, including our pastors, are still doing that!) We know that cheerios will get thrown, juice will be spilled, and they may even knock over your coffee! It’s okay!

Nursing mothers are welcome to stay in worship! If you would feel more comfortable, we do have a more private "nursing nook" in the narthex (entryway).

Changing tables are located in the upstairs bathroom, in the "nursing nook," and the basement ladies room.

I don't know what to wear!

Some of our folks where suits and ties, others wear polos and jeans. In general it’s a “business casual” environment, but this is not mandated, nor does it mean that God will love you more if you do. Many of us just dress a little nicer on Sundays to teach our kids church is important. Just as you know your spouse still loves you in workout pants, so does God, but it’s still nice to show you care.

I don't know what I should expect!

If you like labels, “traditional” or “liturgical” would be appropriate terms to use, but we also make use of more modern hymnody too accompanied by organ or piano. You'll find use of hymnals, printed orders of worship, "Divine Service," and even the occasional use of Matins (slightly modified to accommodate for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Altar.)

Really, we just strive to be a place where the Word is rightly preached and the Sacraments are administered rightly.

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we have additional midweek worship services (without Communion) on Wednesday evenings.

If you would like to contact us, please fill out the form below.